Saya Woolfalk

EFA Project Space artist Saya Woolfalk was interviewed in Redefine Magazine.

Jen Bervin

Barbara Cole of Artvoice writes about EFA Project Space artist Jen Bervin and her groundbreaking book, The Gorgeous Nothings: Emily Dickinson’s Envelope-Poems.

elisabeth smolarz

Elisabeth Smolarz was awarded the LMCC Swing Space residency at Governors Island.

Francis Estrada

CURA: A Literary Magazine of Art and Action is a multi-media initiative based at Fordham University committed to integrating the arts and social justice. Issue number 8 features a new drawing by Francis Estrada ("Memories (What I May Not Have Forgotten to Remember").

Amze Emmons

EFA Project Space artist Amze Emmons’ solo exhibition "Amze Emmons" features new works on paper at Works on Paper, Inc. in Philadelphia from April 12 to June, 2013.

Laurel Ptak

Why Are You Taking So Many Photographs? EFA Project Space artist Caroline Woolard, EFA Project Space curator Laurel Ptak, and curator Natasha Marie Llorens in conversation about the role of documentation in socially engaged art. Wednesday, April 17th from 7-8:30pm at 540 West 21st Street, New York.